October 10, 2017

Getting My S**t Together

Okay, okay, I was downright lazy last week - nothing got done.

This past few days, I jumped in feet first and got things done. 

The vinyl collection is halfway through being indexed.
The laundry is almost finished put away - and I mean all of it!
I've organised and reorganised myself for the markets this weekend (yes, this includes my float too!).
I've made sure I washed up every night before going to bed.

The house is beginning to look like a house again; after I've been sitting around and just knitting dishcloths for the market for so long. 

Now, it's becoming hotter here too... so I have to be careful about how much work I get done during the day; as the days are really heating up very quickly - quicker than they normally do at this time year - and so I'm up nice and early getting as much done as I can before I end up doing other organising things around the house.

This is best thing about getting the smaller things done during the day - like the vinyl collection; as it's just sitting and writing down the titles of the vinyls in the cool of my living room. But once that's done, I've got other things to do as well - I've got a Donation Box to fill, the shopping bags to organise (which ones to keep; and which ones to throw away) and the floors to wash as well as the normal chores (cleaning the bathroom and toilets and vacuuming. If the day cools off - as they've promised - I'll get the vacuuming done... if not, it'll have to wait for another day. 

So, how have you been doing in your decluttering? All good? In a week or two, I'll be uploading a few challenges to get us going in decluttering; and we'll see how far we get with them, okay? 

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