May 28, 2017

The Piano

Today, I moved the chairs out of the way and took everything off the top of the piano, used a microfibre cloth and wiped it down. The amount of dust that came off amazed me.

I then realised how dry the piano really was and pulled out the furniture polish and got stuck into it. At this time of year - Autumn/Fall - these instruments really dry out in a big way. So, I try to keep the polish up to them before the dust marks them permanently. I also checked the glass inside it. Water is good for a piano - especially during a lot of rain. Strangely enough, pianos 'drink' a lot more water during a deluge than they do during a dry spell; and every piano tuner I've spoken to doesn't know why. However the instrument can tell you when it's getting dry as it starts to knock; it sounds as though somebody is knocking on your front door, it's that clear. 

It was thirsty today. But it was lovely to get the polish into it. I use a bees wax polish - not a synthetic-based one - as it's better for the wood and is a natural way of polishing timber; and the smell is really nice too.

Then, I put the doilies back onto the top of it and sorted out what was staying (the blue glasses and silver candelabra and the new decanta) and what was going into the Donation Box (the three coffee-related candles I bought on a whim about 3 years ago and never used). Otherwise, I'm making sure it will never get overcrowded on top of the piano again, by making sure it only has the items on there that suit the decor of the room.

Well, it was a good day otherwise. I got that done, and I got one bag of rubbish sorted out from the Home Office too. I'm really proud of myself. So, what did you get up to in your decluttering today? 

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